The source code of Arden2ByteCode is made freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License.


Arden2ByteCode, Arden4Eclipse and associated projects are hosted at GitHub. To have a look at the source code with your browser, visit the projects page on GitHub:

Developer Documentation

The documentation for developers is contained in the source code itself and in various Markdown files in the according GitHub repositories.


If you want to contribute, sign up to GitHub and fork a project, submit your issues, ideas or proposals via the Arden2ByteCode issue tracker and Arden4Eclipse issue tracker, or contact us.


The programming work was initiated in 2010 by Daniel Grunwald as it can be seen on GitHub. He did the major work, namely the bytecode compiler and runtime environment itself.
In 2010 Hannes Flicka resumed work on the compiler and added a command line interface. He also created a basic Eclipse plugin and a website, hosted on Sourceforge.
In 2015 Mike Klimek resumed work on the eclipse plugin and compiler by adding new features and a test-suite. He gave the website an new look and ported it to Github Pages.